Uniformed Security

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AGF Security provides customised uniformed security services to fit our clients’ particular requirements. We recognise that each building and environment is unique, and we collaborate with our customers to create security services that address possible dangers while also reflecting the particular aspects of their organisation.

Our security personnel are carefully chosen and go through comprehensive background checks to guarantee they are certified to offer security detail. Many of our officers have military backgrounds, giving them the expertise and experience needed to properly defend our customers. All of our officers get specialised training to ensure they are ready to manage a variety of security scenarios.

Trained and qualified security guards are responsible and conduct a variety of jobs, including:

  1. Monitoring and patrolling premises: Security officers may be responsible for patrolling buildings, grounds, and other locations to guarantee their safety. This might entail monitoring security cameras and alarms, looking for unauthorised visitors, and responding to security breaches or crises.
  2. Enforcing rules and regulations: Security personnel may be in charge of enforcing laws and regulations on the property or at the event where they work, such as verifying IDs and issuing tickets for noncompliance.
  3. Observation and reporting: Our workers will maintain a close eye on the region and send out regular reports on any trends or actions that require attention.
  4. Detaining suspects is an important element of preserving security and avoiding crime, and AFG Security’s guards have the expertise and training to do it efficiently. Depending on the gravity of the circumstance, this may need the use of physical force or shackles.
  5. Responding to crises: Security guards may be called upon to respond to fires, medical emergencies, or other situations. They may also be in charge of evacuating buildings or working with other emergency responders as needed.


AFG Whether you need an armed security officer or an unarmed security guard, AFG Security can staff your property to reduce losses and improve site safety.

Contact our risk advisor team for a consultation.

Crisis Management During Emergencies

Security personnel play an important part in crisis management during emergencies. When a security concern emerges, it is critical to respond quickly and decisively to avoid the situation from deteriorating. Security officers are trained to handle situations and are in charge of enforcing crisis management rules to keep people safe and calm.

During a crisis, security professionals may be accountable for:

  • Evacuating individuals
    In the case of a fire or other disaster, security guards may be charged with evacuating people from the affected area. They may also be in charge of working with other emergency responders, such as fire or police agencies, to ensure that everyone is safely evacuated.
  • Providing First Aid
    Security personnel may also receive basic first aid training and are responsible for delivering medical help to persons who have been hurt or require medical attention.
  • Maintaining order:
    Security officials may be in charge of preserving order and ensuring that people remain calm during an emergency. They may accomplish this by giving directions, addressing questions, and offering comfort.